2) Losing my way to Miami - The Gramin GPS is good in destinations but not great in directions. Was missing my TomTom, which at-least had the directions right but screwed up the destination. Gramin maps were a total disaster, half the roads were missing. Lost 2 hours there going around in circles around the Florida Turnpike south and paying the same toll again and again.
3) Hectic drive schedule - In the last 3 days, i had almost had less than 8 hours of sleep. Saturday it was an hour and a half, Sunday was 4 hours and Monday Sleepless. And in this state now i am sitting in the airport waiting for my flight at 4:40 AM in the morning and writing this in my notebook at 3:30. The trip meter of my car shows 1265.5 Miles Gosh...only if i get a cozy bed now.
4) The Party Hot South Beach - Skimpy dressed Chicas, A Line up of restaurants, Booze flowing around, Dances and Night clubs blaring with music, People waiting to get in, there was one hell of a party on Saturday Night at South beach. But Contrary to the popular opinion, not my type of a vacation. I know this statement will be contended by a lot of folks who know me.
5) The Dive - Even though the dive was wonderful, certain things could have been better. One I was sea-sick, and almost felt like throwing up but it was due due to the rough sea and the rocking boat. Two, I was not allowed to take photographs under-water. I have spent almost 20-30 bucks for buying a waterproof camera and a water proof Dicapac case. There is no evidence that i actually did the dive, nor i can share the beauty of the reef from my eyes.
6) The Dive again - Learnt a lesson, that SCUBA is not child's play. Was real tough but it was all worth it. For starters once inside the water, the pressure hits you from all directions and to equalize the pressure in the ear and to keep it from hurting, you gotta keep exhaling by holding your nose to release the pressure in your ears. Like blowing your nose. If you do it a little hard there is a chance the ear-drum may break.
If Water gets inside the mask you gotta blow your nose with the Mask on (Nasty), The Mask was almost hurting me since it was of the wrong size.
You gotta keep checking the depth and the amount of Oxygen left in the cylinder. Gotta keep inhaling and exhaling hard, to keep your lungs from collapsing under the pressure. Gotta inflate and deflate, the dive suit to keep it steady and you gotta always watch out for the rough seas, when you come to the surface.
And there is more risk of hurting oneself while you get on to the boat. And you gotta concentrate and be alert since that is not our world and we are not even supposed to be there.
But in all this mess, there is only a very little time for one to actually enjoy the dive, but that little time whatever it was was truly worth the effort.
Also the swimming rules don't apply for diving, in-fact diving is the opposite of swimming. You Gotta keep yourself hydrated by drinking a lot of water. Eat Cookies to keep the salt water off your mouth, and doing both these made me squeamish, almost felt like throwing up on the deck.
My eyes are still burning with Salt water and my iron bracelet is totally rusty now.
7) Hell Lot of unnecessary expenses - That were not a part of the plan, like anywhere you have to park, you gotta pay. Spent $100 for parking alone... Spent $30 on the tolls, spent $30 more for all the wrong directions i took. Spent almost $200 on food, which was very expensive and not planned for. Spent a $80 for the taxi, spent another $100 for the delayed return of my rented car, spent $30 on the waterproof camera which i didn't use. The food at Whale Harbor in Islamorada made me feel like i gotta puke...And for that spent another useless $30.
8) Missing the Flight - Didn't know that Orlando had 3 airports all starting with the word "Orlando". Went to Sanford 30 mins before the flight rushing to realize that i am in the wrong airport. The right Airport was 45 mins away in the same direction i came from...But didn't lose money here since i got another flight with no cost....but lost one more night's sleep. As i am writing this sitting in the airport waiting for my flight...Its almost time to leave...It is 4:00 AM and the flight is at 4:40, the security check queue is getting longer...Gotta go now.
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